No wifi adapter found! Dual boot windows 10 and Ubuntu 17.10

I dual booted Ubuntu 17.10 in my windows 10. While working in windows wifi works fine! But in Ubuntu it is always showing "No wifi adapter found, Make sure you have a wifi adapter plugged and turned on" Not getting any solutions online! Tried some of them but not working! Help please

I had the same problem. I resolved it by unchecking the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power option.

The otpion can be found under Device ManagerNetwork Adaptersyour network adapterPropertiesPower Management. I guess it's more of a Windows problem than Ubuntu.

I had that problem in Ubuntu 17.04. Wifi worked well until I booted to windows 10. When I switched back I couldn't connect to internet via WiFI (cable connection worked though).

After few hours of following tons of solutions that I found on the internet (and dozens of restarts) I turned off my laptop, removed battery and waited 15min.

I know that this isn't any solution but in my case after turning laptop on again WiFi was back.