Noun or best suggestion to describe the accumulation of interaction (pos/neg) between two people

Perhaps "affinity" would serve. This sense of the word is defined by Merriam-Webster as

a feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for another person because of their similar qualities, ideas, or interests


The complex emotional or psychological interaction between people.
Most baseball men subscribe to familiar truisms about talent, character, and the chemistry of winning teams.
— OD

FIFA 17 on Xbox/PS has a numerical chemistry rating which seems similar to what was described in question.

There are two types of Chemistry in FIFA Ultimate Team, which make up an overall Chemistry rating, plus the Chemistry Style modifiers which affect how they work. Here are the key terms:

  1. Individual Player Chemistry- Rated out of 10 for each player.

  2. Chemistry - Rated out of 100 for the entire team.

  3. Overall Chemistry - This is a hidden number, which comes from a combination of Individual Player Chemistry and Team Chemistry. A high Overall Chemistry will increase player attributes; a low Overall Chemistry will actually decrease them.

enter image description here



I've known my acquaintance Danny since we were kids. He was a brat, I've never really forgiven him for putting bleach on my hair in 5th grade. But somehow he became friends with my sister, their kids are friends, he brought my mom casseroles when she was laid up fighting cancer. He tells tasteless jokes and I kicked hm out of my house for a racist comment at the holidays one year, but he works hard to improve the schools in poor neighborhoods in our city. I can say this, we have a lot of history between us.

Colloquial meaning related to these formal definitions:

history at meaning 3: the aggregate of past events

history at meaning 4: an established record