Looking for a word that describes the merger of two words, is this an example of Portmanteau?

This is slightly awkward to explain, so I will be as clear as possible. I am aware of what a portmanteau is, as you will see below, but I am unsure if my examples classify as such.

I'm looking to find out if there is a word similar to the term portmanteau but for when you join two words where the last syllable/sound of the first word is the same as the first syllable/sound of the second word. The spelling is often the same on the end of word one and start of word two, but not always.

Some examples of what I am trying to explain are as follows:

  • Murderotica (murder + erotica)
  • Disconnecktie (disconnect + neck tie)
  • Bayonetwork (bayonet + network)
  • Morgan Freemango (Morgan Freeman + mango)
  • Typicalculation (typical + calculation)

Are these still examples of portmanteau or something else? By the definition of portmanteau and examples I think they aren't.

A portmanteau word fuses both the sounds and the meanings of its components, as in smog, coined by blending smoke and fog, or motel, from motor and hotel. (Wikipedia)

The reason I assume my examples are not portmanteaux is that both my words remain "whole" to a certain extent and can still be made out. In a stereotypical portmanteau parts of each original word are lost.

An "overlapping blend" is the most specific term I can find for this.