Can you toggle finite blocks in Minecraft Creative Mode?

By default, blocks in your hotbar are infinite, but it'd be nice to enable finite blocks for the purpose of being able to place x blocks by having x in your hotbar.

Is it possible?

Solution 1:

You can use the /fill X Y Z X Y Z Minecraft:[block you want to fill with] command for up to 32768 blocks at a time. Simply point your cursor at the block you want to select and use the tab key to auto fill co-ordinates - 3x tab for full co-ordinates (X,Y,Z). I use this all the time when building large scale, you might also find it useful. One advantage is that you don't need to have the block you want to fill with in your inventory.

Solution 2:

If you just want this for a few specific types of blocks, you can create a scoreboard of type used:<block_ID> and then run the command clear @p <block_ID> 1 (and reset the score) whenever this score is 1.