The player's coordinates are not displayed in debug list, how can I find them without commands? [duplicate]

I went through all the settings of the Minecraft, but did not find any settings for the debug list

Well, maybe a couple of settings for the type of Profiler, etc.

The essence does not change, a solid chunk of the data about coordinates, lighting, condition of the unit, all disappeared, this is as it should be in this version?

Versions where tested-,1.13.2, 1.15.2

And by the way, hidden commands like displaying chunks or hitboxes don't work for me either

I didn't know how to solve this problem.

Result:Tell me how to solve this problem?

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Solution 1:

You have gamerule reducedDebugInfo set to true. This will get rid of some of the info on your debug screen, including XYZ coordinates.

Type the following command into the chat to turn it off:

/gamerule reducedDebugInfo false