How do I figure out who was playing my Minecraft realm at a specific time?

I have a Minecraft Realm for my kids and recently opened it up to allow their friends to join the realm. There have been a few incidents since then where something was lost, destroyed, stolen, etc. I know I can look at backups to figure out when something changed and sometimes I can look at last login time to figure out who was playing, but is there any way to look at who was playing in backups that pre-date the last login?

I found an older question about using NBTExplorer, but that doesn't seem to work with MCPE v1.12 and I am hoping that there is an alternative?

Kids are playing on iPads and Nintendo Switches - I use an iPad. Also, I don't have access to a Windows computer, only a Mac.


Assuming you're okay with using command blocks you can kinda set up a trap like this:
Type this in the chat while in-game on any opped account:

/give @s repeating_command_block

Now type this:

/gamerule commandblockoutput false

You must be in creative mode.
Then you can put a bait chest down, maybe put diamond or something in it.
Place the command block a few blocks below the chest and put this command into the input field:

tag @a[r=20] add sus

Then on the left there will be a select bar that says "Needs Redstone". Click on it and select "Always Active".

Now you can always type this in the chat window:

/testfor @a[tag=sus]

Now anyone who entered the area who is online will appear in chat. This will be permanently attached to them unless you were to manually remove it.


  • Of course not everyone who enters the area is nefarious, so make sure to put it somewhere it is obvious you are not allowed to go
  • Everyone will appear, so your kids and you included. Obviously you can ignore yourself.
  • Only people online will appear, however once they rejoin the game will still remember, so it will be permanently attached to them.
  • Don't fret! Other players will not be able to pull up the GUI you used to make this system, and they cannot break the block either.


  • Only people online will appear, you can use Universal Minecraft Editor if you send a world to the Mac, but I will not go over how to do that as that is rather complicated and I am not sure how to look through someone's tags.