How do I disable the Cinnamon 2 lock screen?

When my computer is locked, I am presented with the default Ubuntu lockscreen. When I enter my password and unlock it, I am presented with the Cinnamon 2 lock screen and I have to enter my password again.

How can I disable the Cinnamon 2 lock screen?

Note: I've installed Cinnamon 2 with these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cinnamon

After a bit of searching in dconf-editor (inspired by the other answers and not gconf), I found the schema

org → cinnamon → desktop → lockdown

which contains a key called disable-lock-screen, set that to true (checked) to disable the Cinnamon lock screen.

dconf-editor screenshot here

Command Line

To turn lock screen off:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true

To turn back on:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen false

After installing Cinnamon the way you did, and running it, opening gconf-editor, I coudn't find a cinnamon entry under desktop, only gnome. You can disable the Gnome lock screen, and see if that helps.

enter image description here

Uninstalling gnome-screensaver fixed the double lock issue for me.

If you prefer the gnome-screensaver, as OP does, simply remove cinnamon-screensaver instead.

you have to install gconf editor for that. after install gconf editor , open it navigate as desktop - cinnamon - lockscreen or desktop - gnome - lockscreen . there you can disabled the cinnamon lock screen.

I think cinnamon using gnome lock screen.

try it.