call multiple Sql files in a single SQL file in Postgres

Solution 1:

If you are running these files through psql you want the \i directive ("execute commands from file").


\i aaa.sql
\i bbb.sql
\i ccc.sql

If you are passing these through some other program you will need to combine the files yourself - I do not believe there is any SQL-standard way of executing external files.

Solution 2:

Not exactly what you are asking for, but will serve your purpose: 1) Put all of your script files in a folder; and 2) use a bash script to iterate through your files and run psql. For example:


for file in $SCRIPTS_DIR/*.sql
    do sudo -u postgres psql $DATABASE_NAME -f $file

This is in fact a little better because you won't have to type your files' names.

Solution 3:

On a bash shell you can do it also with a simple find -exec

find sql/ -name *.sql -exec psql -U user -f {} \;