PING icmp open socket: Operation not permitted in vserver
Solution 1:
TL;DR version: reinstall iputils-ping
I have seen online where it has been suggested to use
chmod u+s $( which ping );
However this will permit the user to change the preload and flood. Which could result in a USER being able to Denial Of Service either your local machine or another machine or your network.
I tried what @nabil-bourenane suggested, reinstalling iputils-ping
which resolved the issue for me and doesn't have the SUID bit set.
username@server:~$ ls -l $( which ping );
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44104 Nov 8 2014 /bin/ping
If the SUID bit is set it will look like
username@server:~$ ls -l $( which ping );
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 44104 Nov 8 2014 /bin/ping
Solution 2:
The solution is to set Linux System Capabilites to allow raw socket on the host machine.
Since this is a very v-server specific problem, the solution is to create a single-lined file named /etc/vservers/VMNAME/bcapabilities
and reboot VM.