Word to describe rule of nepotism

There is the term nepocracy but it appears to be mainly Indian English usage:

    1. Nepotism plus hypocrisy masquerading as Democracy.
    1. Any political system where almost all political leaders tend to be closely linked to other political leaders by blood or marriage.


From: We live not in a Democracy but in a Nepocracy:

  • One of the most defining narratives of present-day India is nepotism. Otherwise a simple term – a polite hark back to help out poor dear nephew(s) – that sounds and feels so innocuous, it is hard to believe how this cancer has metastasized and colonized every cell of Indian society. We see it everywhere in India today, even in places which proclaim to be the high priests of the rule of law, so much so that what we see is not democracy but nepocracy (or nepotcracy, if that’s easy on your tongue!) – the rule by nepotism.


From: Maithripala Sirisena: A Case of ‘Much Ado about Nothing’:

  • The correct term for Sri Lankan brand of 'democracy' is nepocracy (a cross between nepotism and democracy) and nothing else.


I would use the term oligarchy which means

a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes


Of course, oligarchy is not as opposite to the term meritocracy as anti-meritocratic (political) system. But a small group is usually chosen by the ruler based on nepotism and favoritism rather than on their merits.

Another choice is just using anti-meritocratic system.

Another priority, particularly for Italy, is to overhaul the regulatory framework to uproot a deeply antimeritocratic system that hinders competition by protecting insiders in industry, education, and the services sector.

[International Monetary Fund, Regional Economic Outlook, October 2011]