Are items in question blocks in Mario Maker 2 globally loaded?

This is a pretty basic question. I don't have the game and just want to know this so I can design a level. In short, I want to know if an object in a question block is still loaded if it is past the loading zone.

Items do not count towards the active Item Limit while inside blocks, regardless of if they're in the loading zone or not

Powerups have a 100 item limit (per area, so 200 per level). Once you hit that limit, you're prevented from placing any more, but by placing the powerups into item blocks (or Bullet Bill launchers), you're potentially able to place up to another 2000 powerups. If there are 100 active items in the loading zone though, hitting the item block will just show a 'poof' effect as nothing comes out. Comsuming powerups within the loading zone when the limit has been reached will allow you to once again obtain items from blocks.

Gif demonstration below:

Items poof at limit

Here you can see that there are 100 stars placed in the area to the right, and I'm unable to place any more powerups. By adding the stars to the question block, the stars no longer count towards the entity limit, and I'm able to add powerups till I hit the entity limit again.

Trying to get the items from the question block while the 100 powerups are in the loading screen causes the new powerups to 'poof' and not appear when the question block is hit.

If the powerup limit has not been reached within the loading zone while it has been reached for the level, hitting a block will give the item inside. Additionally, if the item entity limit has been reached outside the loading zone, you are still able to get items from blocks, and in the case of moving items (such as stars and mushrooms), if they move into an area where items have been placed to reach the entity limit all within the loading zone, you'll actually be able to exceed the entity limit (I was able to get 103 stars in the loading zone with that trick).

Source Youtube Video for entity information