What's the Maximum Villager CareerLevel for each Career?

A Villager generates new trades depending on its Career and CareerLevel tags, according to the wiki:

  • Career: The ID of this villager's career. This also influences trading options and the villager's name in the GUI (if it does not have a CustomName). If 0, the next time offers are refreshed, the game will assign a new Career and reset CareerLevel to 1.

  • CareerLevel: The current level of this villager's trading options. Influences the trading options generated by the villager; if it is greater than their career's maximum level, no new offers are generated. Increments when a trade causes offers to be refreshed. If 0, the next trade to do this will assign a new Career and set CareerLevel to 1. Set to a high enough level and there will be no new trades to release (Career must be set to 1 or above).

What is the the maximum CareerLevel value for each corresponding Career value?

Solution 1:

I couldn't find the answer online, so I decided to try them all out myself.

Here are the max CareerLevels for each Career type:

Farmer      4
Fisherman   2
Shepherd    2
Fletcher    2
Librarian   6
Cartographer ? (Tested on console)
Cleric      4
Armorer     4
Weapon      3
Tool        3
Butcher     2
Leather     3
Nitwit       ? (Tested on console)

Once CareerLevel is >= these values, new trades stop generating.