No wireless after resuming from suspend?

It doesn't help fix the bug, but here's a workaround.

  1. Use lsmod to find out which wireless driver you're running.

  2. Reproduce the problem.

  3. Kill the module (sudo rmmod [your driver]).

4 Reinsert the module (sudo modprobe [your driver]).

If wireless begins working again, you can create scripts in /etc/pm to do this each time you suspend and resume. It'll add a couple of seconds to reconnecting on resume, but that's all.

It's a common problem with some hardware combinations in linux, that some features will not properly be re-initialized after resuming from a suspended state. This goes for wireless functionality, graphics functionality and more, and can vary greatly depending on your hardware configuration.

If you can reproduce it properly, you should file a bug upstream to get it fixed - it is likely that this is a bug in the drivers causing your hardware to not be reinitialized properly when resuming from sleep.

Please don't take this as a confirmation that this is a bug, as there are more variables in play here, but filing a bug report can help you get it resolved either very soon or in a future release.