How can I sign my application with the system signature key?

I was having the same problem.. There are some permissions that only system apps are allowed to have . I was trying to access the adb shell dumpsys commands from my application with the permissions android.permission.DUMP .

The solution to this is ...

In the Android manifest file of your project add the following line in the manifest tag


You need to have two signature keys present in the code that is used to build the binary.



that is present in the


Download a tool from the net i.e.


From the eclipse export your unsigned apk. by right click on the project from the android tools. Keep all the things i.e. keys , unsigned apk, and signapk.jar in a folder. Run the following Command

java -jar signapk.jar platform.x509.pem platform.pk8 unsigned.apk signed.apk

unsigned apk is the name of your apk and signed apk is the new name you want . After this just install your signed app in the phone with the command

adb shell install signed.apk

The best way to enable wifi from your application would be to use the WifiManager.

WifiManager wManager = (WifiManager)getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);

if(!wManager.isWifiEnabled() && wManager.getWifiState() != WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING)

Note: You also have to add the following permissions to your manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permissions.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permissions.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />