multiple word string input through scanf( )

what was the syntax to input strings with more than one word i.e with space in between through scanf() not gets()

Solution 1:

Is it


Solution 2:

char name[50];
printf("Enter your full name: ");

The %[^\n] conversion asks scanf( ) to keep receiving characters into name[ ] until a \n is encountered. It's a character-set, and starting with ^ means accept anything but that.

See for details on how scanf works.

Solution 3:

Better to used fgets() than scanf() for reading a line of user input.

If code must use scanf() then

char buf[100];

// Read up to 99 char and then 1 \n
int count = scanf("%99[^\n]%*1[\n]", buf);

if (count == EOF) {
  Handle_EndOfFile();  // or IO error

if (count == 0) {  // Input began with \n, so read and toss it

Now parse buf for individual words.