Add toolbar in the bottom of the header using jqgrid

Probably you misunderstood toolbar parameter of the jqGrid. Perhaps you want use Navigator having cloneToTop: true which works if you define additionally toppager: true jqGrid option. This option clone the pager div on the top of the jqGrid. After this one can easy remove some elements from the top or bottom "toolbar":

    // some parameters
    toppager: true,
    // some other paremeters

var topPagerDiv = $("#list_toppager")[0];
$("#edit_list_top", topPagerDiv).remove();
$("#del_list_top", topPagerDiv).remove();
$("#search_list_top", topPagerDiv).remove();
$("#refresh_list_top", topPagerDiv).remove();
$("#list_toppager_center", topPagerDiv).remove();
$(".ui-paging-info", topPagerDiv).remove();

var bottomPagerDiv = $("div#pager")[0];
$("#add_list", bottomPagerDiv).remove();

The part "list" of different id names from the code above will be used because we use <table> element with id="list".