How to detect the timezone of a client?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately this information is not passed in HTTP headers.

Usually you need cooperating JavaScript to fetch it for you.
Web is full of examples, here is one

Solution 2:

you cannot get timezone, but you can get current time from client side.i.e. through javascript and than post back. On server side, you can convert that time to GMT/UTC. The UTC shows the TimeZone.

Solution 3:

If you just need the local timezone in order to display local times to the user, I recommend representing all times in your service in UTC and rendering them in browsers as local times using Moment.js.

My general rule is to handle and store times in UTC everywhere except at the interface with the user, where you convert to/from local time. The advantage of UTC is that you never have to worry about daylight-saving adjustments.

Note that if you want to show the age of something (e.g. "posted 3 hours ago") you just need to compare the UTC timestamp with the current UTC time; no need to convert to local times at all.