Solution 1:

It is likely that the launcher profile automatically created by Forge upon installation isn't being deleted yet, and it can't be deleted in the launcher.

First, open your launcher_profiles.json file in the .minecraft folder. Search down to a line which is like "forge": {, and delete all the thing in the hashtag (including "forge": { and }), an example might be deleting this:

"forge" : {
      "created" : "2019-07-20T01:06:51.483Z",
      "icon" : "Furnace",
      "lastUsed" : "2019-07-28T00:46:12.415Z",
      "lastVersionId" : "1.8.9-forge1.8.9-",
      "name" : "forge",
      "type" : "custom"

If your launcher is still open at this time, try to restart it, and you should see the forge profile gone.