how to determine if date is weekend in javascript [closed]

var dayOfWeek = yourDateObject.getDay();
var isWeekend = (dayOfWeek === 6) || (dayOfWeek  === 0); // 6 = Saturday, 0 = Sunday

var isWeekend = yourDateObject.getDay()%6==0;

Short and sweet.

var isWeekend = ([0,6].indexOf(new Date().getDay()) != -1);

I tried the Correct answer and it worked for certain locales but not for all:

In momentjs Docs: weekday The number returned depends on the locale initialWeekDay, so Monday = 0 | Sunday = 6

So I change the logic to check for the actual DayString('Sunday')

const weekday = momentObject.format('dddd'); // Monday ... Sunday
const isWeekend = weekday === 'Sunday' || weekday === 'Saturday';

This way you are Locale independent.

Update 2020

There are now multiple ways to achieve this.

1) Using the day method to get the days from 0-6:

const day =;
// or const day = yourDateObject.get('day');
const isWeekend = (day === 6 || day === 0);    // 6 = Saturday, 0 = Sunday

2) Using the isoWeekday method to get the days from 1-7:

const day = yourDateObject.isoWeekday();
// or const day = yourDateObject.get('isoWeekday');
const isWeekend = (day === 6 || day === 7);    // 6 = Saturday, 7 = Sunday