Display number always with 2 decimal places in <input>

I have a float value for the ng-model that I would like to always display with 2 decimal places in the <input>:

<input ng-model="myNumb" step ="0.01" type="number">

This works for most case when "myNumb" has decimal. But it will not force display of the 2 decimal places if "myNumb" has less than 2 decimal places (3.2), or an integer(30)
How can I force a display of 2 decimal place in the <input> field

AngularJS - Input number with 2 decimal places it could help... Filtering:

  1. Set the regular expression to validate the input using ng-pattern. Here I want to accept only numbers with a maximum of 2 decimal places and with a dot separator.
<input type="number" name="myDecimal" placeholder="Decimal" ng-model="myDecimal | number : 2" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$/" step="0.01" />

Reading forward this was pointed on the next answer ng-model="myDecimal | number : 2".

If you are using Angular 2 (apparently it also works for Angular 4 too), you can use the following to round to two decimal places{{ exampleNumber | number : '1.2-2' }}, as in:

<ion-input value="{{ exampleNumber | number : '1.2-2' }}"></ion-input>


'1.2-2' means {minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}:

  • A minimum of 1 digit will be shown before decimal point
  • It will show at least 2 digits after decimal point
  • But not more than 2 digits

Credit due here and here

{{value | number : fractionSize}}

like {{12.52311 | number : 2}}

so this will print 12.52

Simply use the number pipe like so :

{{ numberValue | number : '.2-2'}}

The pipe above works as follows :

  • Show at-least 1 integer digit before decimal point, set by default
  • Show not less 2 integer digits after the decimal point
  • Show not more than 2 integer digits after the decimal point

Did you try using the filter

<input ng-model='val | number: 2'>
