How do I use a dictionary to update fields in Django models?

Solution 1:

Here's an example of create using your dictionary d:


To update an existing model, you will need to use the QuerySet filter method. Assuming you know the pk of the Book you want to update:


Solution 2:

Use ** for creating a new model. Loop through the dictionary and use setattr() in order to update an existing model.

From Tom Christie's Django Rest Framework

for attr, value in validated_data.items():
    setattr(instance, attr, value)

Solution 3:

If you know you would like to create it:


Assuming you need to check for an existing instance, you can find it with get or create:

instance, created = Book.objects.get_or_create(slug=slug, defaults=d)
if not created:
    for attr, value in d.items(): 
        setattr(instance, attr, value)

As mentioned in another answer, you can also use the update function on the queryset manager, but i believe that will not send any signals out (which may not matter to you if you aren't using them). However, you probably shouldn't use it to alter a single object:
