How to make a 2x3 piston door?

The idea is just a regular, somewhat compact 2x3 redstone door with the sticky pistons and all, but it seems improbable to have it so that when it opens up, the three levels open at a separate interval, that being the bottom opening first, then the middle then the top, the main problem being that any piston seems to power the piston below.

Any suggestions or is this actually not possible?

Solution 1:

You're facing an issue due to quasi-connectivity. Working around quasi-connectivity can get fairly difficult sometimes, but it's very useful for many things, too.

A 0-tick pulse does not trigger quasi-connectivity, so a structure like this will only move the diamond block:

Setup for a 0-tick pulse and three pistons, where only one piston gets activated by that pulse

Repeaters update before comparators do, so after you push the button the repeater will send a signal through the gold block. Then the comparator powers the sticky piston, which pushes away the gold block, so the redstone signal ends in the same tick as it started.

This triggers the middle piston and neither of the other two pistons, it then imidiately retracts. A sticky piston will not pull a block if it received a very short redstone pulse and it pushed a block due to that pulse.

If you use that knowledge, then you could build something like this:

setup for one side of a 2x3 piston door

This can be used for a 2x3 piston door, where the lowest block opens and closes first and the highest block last. The offset can easily be controled with the repeaters on the right side and you can add more repeaters for even more offset.