I want to listen for the word hello using pocketsphinx in a service continuously

I get the error. Here is the full stack trace. Here is a small portion of it.

Unable to create service curlybrace.ruchir.myApp.MyService: java.lang.RuntimeException: new_Decoder returned -1

It is caused by this:

            setupRecognizer(assetDir); //SETUP

and this:


In my onCreate:

 Log.v(TAG, "Voice recognition activated!");

        //Register voice recog listener :)

        Assets assets = null;
        try {
            assets = new Assets(MyService.this);
            File assetDir = assets.syncAssets();
            setupRecognizer(assetDir); //SETUP

            Log.v(TAG, "Set up listener");
        } catch (IOException e) {

Here is my setupRecognizer method:

  private void setupRecognizer(File assetDir) throws IOException {

        recognizer = defaultSetup()
                .setAcousticModel(new File(assetDir, "hmm/en-us-semi"))
                .setDictionary(new File(assetDir, "lm/cmu07a.dic"))

       // recognizer.addKeywordSearch("Hello", assetDir); //I don't know what this does...
    recognizer.startListening("Hello"); //Start listeneing


Here is one of the implemented methods:

    public void onPartialResult(Hypothesis hypothesis) {

        String text = hypothesis.getHypstr();
        if (text.equals("Hello")) {
            //  do something

            Log.v(TAG, "SPEECH RECOGNIZED HELLO!");


I would appreciate any feedback. Positive, negative, even a comment. At this point I am desperate, after trying for 2 days!

You have this:

private void setupRecognizer(File assetDir) throws IOException {
        recognizer = defaultSetup() 
                .setAcousticModel(new File(assetDir, "hmm/en-us-semi"))
                .setDictionary(new File(assetDir, "lm/cmu07a.dic"))
       // recognizer.addKeywordSearch("Hello", assetDir); //I don't know what this does... 
    recognizer.startListening("Hello"); //Start listeneing 

Try changing it to this:

private void setupRecognizer(File assetDir) throws IOException {
        recognizer = defaultSetup() 
                .setAcousticModel(new File(assetDir, "hmm/en-us-semi"))
                .setDictionary(new File(assetDir, "lm/cmu07a.dic"))

    //Add this:
    File digitsGrammar = new File(modelsDir, "grammar/digits.gram");
    recognizer.addKeywordSearch(DIGITS_SEARCH, digitsGrammar);

To begin speech recon, call this from button. When it works, call it from a service, to keep things simpler:

    recognizer.startListening("Hello"); //Start listeneing 

Now, create a new file called digits.gram, and put it inside a folder called here: /youProjectRootFolder/grammar/digits.gram This file is really a .txt file, but change the extension to .gram when you are done putting this text inside:

hello /1e-1/
hi /1e-1/
bye /1e-1/
goodbye /1e-1/
...etc. /1e-1/

Here you will find a similar situation: Recognizing multiple keywords using PocketSphinx Good Luck!