Scaling GUI.TextArea with Screen Size

i'm trying to scale a GUI.TextArea.

the code block works in OnGui function. But when i change screen size , the textArea won't be on correct position and size.

first screen size

second screen size

is there any solution like Canvas.ScaleMode.ScaleToFit or should i recreate the GUI.TextArea?

Edit: I use button,some image and text in canvas and easily scale them with canvasScaler script. But the text object doesn't contain multiple line text so i create textarea with gui for display multiple line text.

Solution 1:

The UI system in unity is very easy to use...

1) click add canvas .. select "scale with screen size"


It is critical to select "scale with screen size".

(Note that this is in the "Canvas Scaler" section - it is NOT in the "Canvas" section.)

enter image description here

(2017 - note they recently changed the wording from "space" to "size"...)

Unity accidentally set the WRONG DEFAULT OPTION on that menu.

Until they fix the problem, it is essential to remember to select "scale with screen size".

The other options are irrelevant and almost never used.

2) click "Add Button", or add any element you want: panel. scroll view, slider, etc.

You're completely done.

It's that easy.

For a given item: to achieve what you say about POSITION, just do this ...

enter image description here

select the option relevant to you, probably middle one.

In your script have

  public Text hello

That will create a slot (labelled "hello") in your Inspector panel for that script.

be sure to drag the physical .Text unit (ie, underneath "Canvas") to that slot in the Inspector. To set the text, in code, is trivial:

    hello.text = "some text here"; 

it's that simple. You can set the size, shape, position, etc of the type in the editor, what you see is what you get.

Be sure to set the following items ...

enter image description here

... as you need them. Cheers.