Cannot drop table users because other objects depend on it
Solution 1:
Use the cascade
DROP TABLE if exists users cascade;
this will drop any foreign key that is referencing the users
table or any view using it.
It will not drop other tables (or delete rows from them).
Solution 2:
If it was really necessary to drop that specific table with or without recreating it, then first find the object(s) that depends on it.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW admin.v_view_dependency AS
SELECT DISTINCT srcobj.oid AS src_oid
, srcnsp.nspname AS src_schemaname
, srcobj.relname AS src_objectname
, tgtobj.oid AS dependent_viewoid
, tgtnsp.nspname AS dependant_schemaname
, tgtobj.relname AS dependant_objectname
FROM pg_class srcobj
JOIN pg_depend srcdep ON srcobj.oid = srcdep.refobjid
JOIN pg_depend tgtdep ON srcdep.objid = tgtdep.objid
JOIN pg_class tgtobj ON tgtdep.refobjid = tgtobj.oid AND srcobj.oid <> tgtobj.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace srcnsp ON srcobj.relnamespace = srcnsp.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace tgtnsp ON tgtobj.relnamespace = tgtnsp.oid
WHERE tgtdep.deptype = 'i'::"char" AND tgtobj.relkind = 'v'::"char";
select top 99 * from admin.v_view_dependency where src_objectname like '%the_table_name_it_complaint_about%';
The result set will show you the dependant object in the field "dependant_objectname".