A single word for "too expensive" [closed]

As mentioned by mick, software B is overpriced

  • (adj) - too costly for the value, TFD - e.g. "overpriced items at resort shops"
  • (verb) to give a price that is too high to (something) MW e.g. "everything in that store is grossly overpriced"

Software B is a ripoff.

Ripoff: A ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad financial transaction. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person is overcharged for something, or receives goods or services not of the standard expected for the price.

software B is too expensive for what it's worth.

You could say it's not cost-effective:

cost-effective - effective or productive in relation to its cost : the most cost-effective way to invest in the stock market.

New Oxford American Dictionary