What do you call someone who's involved in a project (non-leading role)

We currently have two roles for our project, namely:

  • project manager
  • `someone who is involved', ie. regular worker/employee

but I'm not really satisfied with worker. What do you usually call someone who works on a project within a team?

Solution 1:

You might consider Contributor if Team Member isn't working for you.

Solution 2:

A project would have:

  1. A Project Manager
  2. Fellow Members (or simply) 'Associates' (or) 'Fellows'

If you are against using 'team member' as a designation, I think the above terms should suffice as a clear, simple way to suggest hierarchy while denoting each person's interest in and commitment toward the project.

Other alternatives:

  • Project Co-workers
  • Project Peers
  • Project Partners
  • Collaborators
  • Affiliates

These are all good terms to denote, as you say, a 'stakeholder's' position in a project.

If you wanted a more-casual, less-formal term, you could try coining one yourself (tailor-made for your particular project) and it should work just fine - Example: Project Mates

Solution 3:

It depends on the role of the members in the project.

  • Use the same job titles, such as Developer, Artist, Quality Assurance if the team member is solely doing one job or one type of task in the project.
  • Team member if the person doing it is not assigned a specific role.
  • Current job titles with prefix 'Lead' - Lead Developer, Lead Artist, Lead Modeller, Lead Environment Artist, for supervisory roles one level below Project Manager.

Solution 4:

Team member is the term typically used in projectized organizations unless they have an elevated level of authority. See, for example, this page from the Project Management Institute.

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