Palm rejection on Apple Trackpad 2

I've a new iMac with Apple keyboard and Trackpad 2. I'm coming from my old MacBook Pro to this new system and wanted a similar keyboard and trackpad arrangment, so I got one of these enter image description here

I love it, BUT the trackpad is so very sensitive. I swear it can detect my finger when it's a hair's breadth from actually touching it. So, every time I accidentally bump it with my palm or wrist the cursor jumps while I'm typing.

Is there a way to configure it so that it's less sensitive? I think this is called "palm rejection", but I haven't found anything about how to configure the trackpad to NOT be so sensitive yet.

Solution 1:

I'm actually one of the 'studs' from the StUDS Collective that designed The Wedgie. The challenge you brought up is one we've wrestled with trying to find a good solution for without over-complicating the design of the tray. I use the tray daily, but don't use 'tap to click' so it's less of an issue for me, but here are a couple of low tech solutions we've come up with.

  1. Turn the trackpad around backwards and use the "better touch tool" mentioned above to invert all of the functions on the trackpad. This makes the top edge recessed enough that it avoids contact with your palm. I also regularly use this configuration for charging the trackpad without removing it from the tray. enter image description here enter image description here

  2. We've also developed a little silicone bumper that helps with the problem too. This is still something we're playing with so it's not listed for sale anywhere.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I don't think it's possible to enable palm rejection in software, for the Magic Trackpad. I've been trying to find a way to do the same thing, with no luck. I found a feature request for the Better Touch Tool (BTT), where a developer closed the ticket as not being possible — even for such a robust app:

Poor Palm Recognition on the external Magic Trackpad 2 #1448 | BetterTouchTool | Github

However, it may be possible to solve with some physical changes to the keyboard/trackpad tray. I have considered building up a small rim around the top corners and along the sides of the trackpad on the similar keyboard/trackpad tray which I use, The Wedgie (I bought my tray from an Etsy listing by the same "StUDS" merchant, which has since been removed; appears that they still sell it directly from their site, as I've linked to here). I have not yet done so myself, but I think that I may be able to add a ridge of Sugru (same color as my tray), on the tray right next to where the trackpad sits, to prevent my palms from resting on the trackpad.