Detecting powered button/lever with command blocks

I've went through various wiki pages and commands. I'm still stuck on the most basic command trying to make it work.

Here's the code:

/execute if block -272 70 199 minecraft:stone_button[powered=true] run say Hello, blocks!

Now the wiki says if block execute command works like /execute if block <position> <block> <command>. If I understood correctly, it should be:

  • if (block at -272 70 199 = powered stone button)
  • say "Hello, blocks!"

but well it doesn't do anything. Is there something wrong with the syntax?

enable-command-blocks is set to true, command block set to impulse-unconditional-always on, and I am the server admin.

※P.S. If somebody can tell me how the code structures work in this thing, it'd be greatly appreciated (mostly about what NBT tags are).

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Solution 1:

The command has to be executed at the same time as the button is pressed, otherwise the check will fail.