False positive "undefined variable" error when compiling SCSS
Solution 1:
You're generating files that don't need to be generated.
- screen.scss -> screen.css
- base.scss -> base.css
- catalog.scss -> catalog.css
The catalog file is being compiled on its own. Since it is not importing base.scss, the variables are not set. Your screen.scss file generates as you expect because it is importing all of the necessary information.
What you want to do is rename your partials to begin with an underscore to prevent them from being compiled on their own:
- screen.scss -> screen.css
- _base.scss (not compiled)
- _catalog.scss (not compiled)
Solution 2:
A simpler explanation that probably fits most of the users here:
You're compiling all your sass, when you only need to compile the top level file
sass is commonly modularised as follows:
include child1.scss
include child2.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.scss)
include child3.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.sass)
When compiling, you only need to compile toplevel.scss. Compiling other files on their own (eg, child2.scss) will generate errors about undefined variables.
In your gulpfile:
gulp.task('sass', function () {
.src('./static/scss/toplevel.scss') // NOT *.scss
// Rest is just decoration
.pipe(prefixer('last 2 versions', 'ie 9'))
Solution 3:
I'd recommend looking into common Sass directory organizational structures. My personal favorite is The 7-1 Pattern.
The nature of it splits commonly used elements into other files, which are all imported by a main.scss
to kill redundancies.
But also, firstly pay attention to @cimmanon's answer, as he more directly addresses your question.
Solution 4:
In your compass log it states:
A) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
B) create css/generated/partial/base.css
These need to be:
A) create css/generated/partial/base.css
B) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
My guess is that your screen.scss has incorrect import statements.