is it possible to disable javac's inlining of static final variables?

Item 93 of Java Puzzlers (Joshua Bloch) says that you can work round this by preventing the final value from being considered a constant. For example:

public class A {
  public static final int INT_VALUE = Integer.valueOf(1000).intValue();
  public static final String STRING_VALUE = "foo".toString();

Of course none of this is relevant if you don't have access to the code that defines the constants.

I don't believe so. The simplest workaround would be to expose these as properties rather than fields:

public class A {
    private static final int INT_VALUE = 1000;
    private static final String STRING_VALUE = "foo";

    public static int getIntValue() {
        return INT_VALUE;
    public static String getStringValue() {
        return STRING_VALUE;

Don't forget that in certain cases the inlining is essential to the use of the value - for example, if you were to use INT_VALUE as a case in a switch block, that has to be specified as a constant value.

To stop inlining you need to make the values non-compile time constants (the JLS term). You can do this without the use of functions and creating a minimum of bytecode by using a null in the initialiser expression.

public static final int INT_VALUE = null!=null?0: 1000;

Although it is very literal in its code generation, javac should optimise this to be a push of an immediate integer followed by a store to the static field in the static initialiser.

JLS 13.4.9 deals with this issue. Their recommendation is to basically avoid compile-time constants if the value is in any way likely to change.

(One reason for requiring inlining of constants is that switch statements require constants on each case, and no two such constant values may be the same. The compiler checks for duplicate constant values in a switch statement at compile time; the class file format does not do symbolic linkage of case values.)

The best way to avoid problems with "inconstant constants" in widely-distributed code is to declare as compile time constants only values which truly are unlikely ever to change. Other than for true mathematical constants, we recommend that source code make very sparing use of class variables that are declared static and final. If the read-only nature of final is required, a better choice is to declare a private static variable and a suitable accessor method to get its value. Thus we recommend:

private static int N;
public static int getN() { return N; }

rather than:

public static final int N = ...;

There is no problem with:

public static int N = ...;

if N need not be read-only.