Why should a combinatorialist know category theory?

Solution 1:

If you are interested in becoming a pioneer in a new area of mathematics that involves combinatorics then there is Combinatorial category theory.

László Lovász talks about this in a video interview starting at 1m59s in https://simonsfoundation.org/science_lives_video/laszlo-lovasz/?chapter=22

Also in his book Large networks and graph limits, chapter 23, http://www.cs.elte.hu/~lovasz/bookxx/hombook-oct-2012.pdf, there is a section on categories in which he says: "In graph theory, the use of categories (as a language and also as guide for asking question in a certain way) has been practiced mainly by the Prague school, and has lead to many valuable results; see e.g. the book by Hell and Nešetřil [2004]." (Graphs and Homomorphisms)