What's a good way to install "build essentials" (all common useful commands) on a blank EC2 Linux server?

Solution 1:

Most distributions have "build-essentials" or an equivalent package, either as an option or installed by default.

  • In Debian-based distros, this would be the build-essential package, which you can install with apt-get install build-essential.
  • In Fedora/Red Hat-based distros, this would be the "Development Tools" group, which you can install with yum groupinstall "Development Tools".
  • In SUSE Linux-based distros, this would be the "Base Development" (devel_basis) pattern, which you can install with zypper install --type pattern devel_basis.

You could also compile the software you need into packages with checkinstall using another system, then move them over, if for some reason you didn't want a full development environment on the instance of EC2 you are using.