Guake - Windows 10 + Bash

Solution 1:

ConEmu has a Quake-style console drop-down feature that is activated by Ctrl+~.

Quake-style option of ConEmu software

Solution 2:

Better late then never, but looks like Windows Terminal 1.9 will support this:

Quake mode

Windows Terminal now comes with quake mode! Quake mode allows you to quickly open a >new terminal instance from anywhere in Windows by typing Win+`. The quake window >will appear on the top half of your screen and can easily be dismissed with the >same keyboard shortcut. If you want to further customize how you can summon the >terminal, check out the new features we have added for global summon on our docs site.

Solution 3:

I was wondering that myself and wrote a simple AutoHotkey script to emulate this behaviour. You can get it here:

Solution 4:

I recommend Qonsole. It can show a drop down terminal just use Cmd.

Here is supported Features:

  • Custom hotkey
  • Slide up & down animation
  • Enable Ctrl+v Console pasting
  • Transparency options
  • Configurable with cmd & console2
  • Background screen dimmer
  • Internal Update check, (automatic, 5 min after start up)
  • Optionally Run Qonsole when Windows Starts
  • More..
