In ASP.NET MVC how can I use the Razor @Url.Content() helper from C# code?

I'm trying to write a html helper extension that outputs an image tag. I need to access (within C# code) something like Razor's @Url.Content() helper to get the proper URL for the current context. How does one do this?

Use the following to mimic Url.Content in code.


You can create your own instance of UrlHelper by passing in the appropriate ViewContext. For example, to do this from an image helper:

public static string CustomImage(this HtmlHelper html)
    var Url = new UrlHelper(html.ViewContext.RequestContext);

At this point you can call Url.Content() or any other UrlHelper method.

Something like this perhaps?

public static string MyHelper(this HtmlHelper h)
      string url = h.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;