Longest cooldown time ever in DOTA 2 [closed]

I visited many sites about DOTA 2 , but none of them gave information about cooldown time for each hero in DOTA 2 . As far as I know the longest cooldown time is Silencer's Global Silence with 160 seconds , but I'm not so sure about that , maybe Wraith Kings' Reincarnation , or Enigma's Black Hole have longer cooldown time ? I don't know. Could you give a list about cooldown time ?

Solution 1:

These are some of the longest cooldowns in the game. Unless I have missed one, this should be every skill with a cooldown greater than 120 seconds. Note that some of these cooldowns are accurate only for having 1 level in the skill.

  • Keeper of the Light's "Will-O-Wisp": 120s
  • Bane's "Fiend's Grip": 120s
  • Lone Druid's "Summon Spirit Bear": 120s
  • Sand King's "Epicenter": 120s
  • Necrophos's "Reaper's Scythe": 120s
  • Visage's "Summon Familiars": 130s
  • Monkey King's "Wukong's Command": 130s
  • Magnus's "Reverse Polarity": 130s
  • Silencer's "Global Silence": 130s
  • Lycan's "Shapeshift": 130s
  • Queen of Pain's "Sonic Wave": 135s
  • Venomancer's "Poison Nova": 140s
  • Mirana's "Moonlight Shadow": 140s
  • Juggernaut's "Omnislash": 140s
  • Night Stalker's "Dark Ascension": 140s
  • Brewmaster's "Primal Split": 140s
  • Luna's "Eclipse": 140s
  • Death Prophet's "Exorcism": 145s
  • Chaos Knight's "Phantasm": 145s
  • Doom's "Doom": 145s
  • Earthshaker's "Echo Slam": 150s
  • Tidehunter's "Ravage": 150s
  • Terrorblade's "Metamorphosis": 155s
  • Omniknight's "Guardian Angel": 160s
  • Outworld Devourer's "Sanity's Eclipse": 160s
  • Naga Siren's "Song of the Siren": 160s
  • Warlock's "Chaotic Offering": 170s
  • Spectre's "Haunt": 180s
  • Wraith King's "Reincarnation": 200s
  • Enigma's "Black Hole": 200s
  • Techies's "Minefield Sign": 360s

As you can see, the longest cooldown is the "Minefield Sign" ability from Techies.

All information sourced from the Dota 2 Wiki. Also, it is possible that I have missed an ability. 115+ heroes is a lot to look through :)