How to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?

What is the proper way to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse as a plugin? The Hibernate site doesn't really give any instructions.

Looking at the Hibernate Tools binary, it appears that I can just unzip this in my eclipse directory. Do I just unzip it in my eclipse directory? This seems like a hacky was to install it.

Solution 1:

Well, most convenient and safest way is to use JBoss update site within Eclipse software updates (Help -> Software Updates... -> Add Site...):

The latest stable release update site for JBoss Tools

There you can find Hibernate tools together with other handy JBoss plugins.

Solution 2:

Find the stable version of the hibernate plugin (Zip or URL for auto update) in the below URL.

Do not install everything though. You just need:

  1. The entire All JBoss Tools 3.2.0 section
  2. Hibernate Tools (HT) from Application Development
  3. HT from Data Services
  4. JBoss Maven Hibernate Configurator from Maven Support and
  5. HT from Web and Java EE Development

That's all!

In 2013, you will be probably using the latest versions of Eclipse and Hibernate. For Eclipse-4.2.2. and JBoss Tools 4.0 you need:

  1. From the Abridged JBoss Tools 4.0, the JBoss Hibenate Tools section
  2. Hibernate Tools (HT) from Application Development
  3. HT from JBoss Data Services
  4. JBoss Maven Hibernate Configurator from Maven Support and
  5. HT from Web and Java EE Development

Then you are ready to go!

Solution 3:

Instructions for Eclipse Indigo:

  • Help -> Install New Software
  • Click on Add. Location:
  • Inside JBoss Web and Java EE Development folder, select Hibernate Tools
  • Click on Next

Once installed click on Window -> Show View -> Others. A new window pops up. Click on folder Hibernate and select Hibernate Configurations to setup a DB connection. It is possible to setup a new connection using an existing Hiberbate properties file or creating a JDBC connection.

Once setup your DB connection click on Ping to test everything is correct.

Lastly, click on the Open HQL Editor button (third button on the top Hibernate Configurations menu) to run a HQL query.

Solution 4:

Installing Hibernate Tools on Eclipse Neon (4.6)

Go to the menu Help > Install New Software and click the Add button.

Use something like JBoss Hibernate for the name and insert the following URL for the location: 

Wait for the product tree to load and then expand the JBoss Web and Java EE Development folder and select the Hibernate Tools product and click the Next > button. Then follow on accepting all the subsequent questions, licence, etc.

When the installation is finished, restart Eclipse as required. After that, to open the Hibernate perspective go to the menu Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Others and search for Hibernate.

Solution 5:

Step-by-step tutorial :

Reverse Engineering Approach :