The arithmetic-geometric mean for symmetric positive definite matrices
Solution 1:
Nice question!
What follows below is not really an answer, but too long to fit as a comment. It would be helpful if you could write your Mathematica algorithm is traditional mathematical notation so it is easier to see what is going on.
First, I am sure you are aware of the standard definitions of matrix means. I recall them below for the benefit of others who consider your question.
The arithmetic mean is: $(A+B)/2$ as expected. It satisfies several of the standard desirable properties of a mean of spd matrices (nonnegative, if $A \le B$, then $A \le AM(A,B) \le B$, etc)
The standard geometric mean is: $$GM(A,B) = A^{1/2}(A^{-1/2}BA^{-1/2})^{1/2}A^{1/2}$$ This particular choice of GM satisfies: $GM(A,B)=GM(B,A)$.
Now if you iterate the AGM, using the above two definitions of the means, then I think convergence, etc. can be proven---though you might have to resort to some kind of Fixed-point theorem. If I get time, I will think more about this.
Solution 2:
I'll use the characterisation of the geometric mean as given by Slowsolver. As I mentioned in a comment to his answer, the geometric mean $GM(A,B)$ is the geodesic midpoint corresponding to the Riemannian metric on the space of symmetric positive definite matrices with
$$ g(X,Y) = \mathop{tr}(A^{-1}XA^{-1}Y)~,\quad X,Y\in T_A(SPD) $$
where the tangent space $T_A(SPD)$ is the space of symmetric matrices. This interpretation has the following advantage: both the AM and GM are "translation invariant". Let $P$ be a non-singular matrix, then $AM(PAP^T,PBP^T) = P(AM(A,B))P^T$ trivially, and similarly for $GM$ using that $$g_A(X,Y) = g_{PAP^T}(PXP^T, PYP^T)$$ so that a geodesic $\gamma$ joining $A,B$ becomes a geodesic $P\gamma P^T$ joining $PAP^T$ and $PBP^T$. By first conjugating with $P = A^{-1/2}$, we can WLOG assume $A = I$. By then conjugating with a suitable orthogonal matrix $O$ to diagonalize $B$, we can WLOG assume $A = I$ and $B$ is diagonal.
The result on convergence now follows from the convergence of the AGM for the single, real variable case.
For your specific questions:
- The rate of convergence is the same as the scalar case, up to a constant factor depending on the initial values of $A,B$ (which determines $P$).
- In this definition $GM(A,B) = GM(B,A)$, so the question is moot.
- This is in some sense the natural generalisation of the scalar case. Notice that the scalar geometric mean corresponds to the geodesic midpoint for the multiplicative Lie group $(\mathbb{R}_+,\times)$ with the invariant metric. A first generalisation is to the abelian Lie group $\mathbb{R}^k_+$ with componentwise multiplication. (This corresponds to the diagonal case.) What we showed above is that the entire AGM sequence for arbitrary starting SPD matrices $A$ and $B$ is contained, up to conjugation by $P\cdot P^T$, in one such abelian case. Note that this is slightly less related to eigenvalues per se, since the transformation we use above does not preserve eigenvalues.
EDIT: It just occurred to me to do a literature search. In Lawson, J. D. & Lim, Y. "The geometric mean, matrices, metrics, and more". Amer. Math. Monthly, 2001, 108, 797-812, many properties of this geometric mean on SPD matrices are derived in Sections 2 and 3. In particular, the crucial property (as slowsolver remarks below) of being able to set $A = I$ and $B$ diagonal, is the content of Lemma 3.1 of that paper. That is followed by the harmonic-geometric-arithmetic-mean inequality for SPD matrices. By starting with that and playing with monotonicity properties, you presumably also get another proof of the convergence result.