Is there command to grant Full Disk Access for specific application?

You can allow an application to access data if you change settings in Security & Privacy → Privacy → Full Disk Access.

Is there command to accomplish the same in terminal?

No, this must be performed by the user through the System Preferences page. Any method to do this via the command line would likely be considered a bug and should be reported.

There is an article for Admins on the Apple site that mentions how to handle this:

To use the systemsetup command with either the -setremotelogin or -setremoteappleevents flag in macOS Catalina 10.15 or later, first give the parent process full-disk-access. You can grant full-disk-access manually or using Mobile Device Management (MDM):

  • Manually grant Full Disk Access: choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then select the Privacy tab. Scroll down and click Full Disk Access, then add the parent process.Use
  • MDM: use the PrivacyPreferencesPolicyControl payload.

For more information about its usage, see the systemsetup(8) man page.