Which C++ Standard Library wrapper functions do you use?

Solution 1:

Quite often I'd use vector as a set of items in no particular order (and, obviously, when I don't need fast is-this-element-in-the-set checks). In these cases, calling erase() is a waste of time since it will reorder the elements and I don't care about order. That's when the O(1) function below comes in handy - just move the last element at the position of the one you'd want to delete:

template<typename T>
void erase_unordered(std::vector<T>& v, size_t index)
    v[index] = v.back();

Solution 2:


contains(container, val) (quite simple, but convenient).

template<typename C, typename T>
bool contains(const C& container, const T& val) {
   return std::find(std::begin(container), std::end(container), val) != std::end(container);

remove_unstable(begin, end, value)

A faster version of std::remove with the exception that it doesn't preserve the order of the remaining objects.

template <typename T> 
T remove_unstable(T start, T stop, const typename T::value_type& val){  
    while(start != stop) {      
        if (*start == val) {            
            ::std::iter_swap(start, stop);      
        } else {            
    return stop; 

(in the case of a vector of pod types (int, float etc) and almost all objects are removed, std::remove might be faster).

Solution 3:

template < class T >
class temp_value {
    public :
        temp_value(T& var) : _var(var), _original(var) {}
        ~temp_value()        { _var = _original; }
    private :
        T&  _var;
        T   _original;
        temp_value(const temp_value&);
        temp_value& operator=(const temp_value&);

Ok, since it seems this isn't as straight-forward as I thought, here's an explanation:
In its constructor temp_value stores a reference to a variable and a copy of the variable's original value. In its destructor it restores the referenced variable to its original value. So, no matter what you did to the variable between construction and destruction, it will be reset when the temp_value object goes out of scope.
Use it like this:

void f(some_type& var)
  temp_value<some_type> restorer(var); // remembers var's value

  // change var as you like

  // upon destruction restorer will restore var to its original value

Here's another approach that uses the scope-guard trick:

namespace detail
    // use scope-guard trick
    class restorer_base
        // call to flag the value shouldn't
        // be restored at destruction
        void dismiss(void) const
            mDismissed = true;

        // creation
        restorer_base(void) :

        restorer_base(const restorer_base& pOther) :
            // take "ownership"

        ~restorer_base(void) {} // non-virtual

        // query
        bool is_dismissed(void) const
            return mDismissed;

        // not copy-assignable, copy-constructibility is ok
        restorer_base& operator=(const restorer_base&);

        mutable bool mDismissed;

    // generic single-value restorer, could be made 
    // variadic to store and restore several variables
    template <typename T>
    class restorer_holder : public restorer_base
        restorer_holder(T& pX) :

            if (!is_dismissed())
                mX = mValue;

        // not copy-assignable, copy-constructibility is ok
        restorer_holder& operator=(const restorer_holder&);

        T& mX;
        T mValue;

// store references to generated holders
typedef const detail::restorer_base& restorer;

// generator (could also be made variadic)
template <typename T>
detail::restorer_holder<T> store(T& pX)
    return detail::restorer_holder<T>(pX);

It's just a bit more boiler-plate code, but allows a cleaner usage:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
void print(const T& pX)
    std::cout << pX << std::endl;

void foo(void)
    double d = 10.0;
    double e = 12.0;
    print(d); print(e);

        restorer f = store(d);
        restorer g = store(e);

        d = -5.0;
        e = 3.1337;
        print(d); print(e);


    print(d); print(e);

int main(void)

    int i = 5;

        restorer r = store(i);

        i *= 123;


It removes its ability to be used in a class, though.

Here's a third way to achieve the same effect (which doesn't suffer from the problems of potentially throwing destructors):


//none -- it is built into the language


#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
void print(const T& pX)
    std::cout << pX << std::endl;

void foo(void)
    double d = 10.0;
    double e = 12.0;
    print(d); print(e);

        double f(d);
        double g(e);

        f = -5.0;
        g = 3.1337;
        print(f); print(g);

        e = std::move(g);

    print(d); print(e);

int main(void)

    int i = 5;

        int r(i);

        r *= 123;


Solution 4:

Not really a wrapper, but the infamous missing copy_if. From here

template<typename In, typename Out, typename Pred>
Out copy_if(In first, In last, Out res, Pred Pr)
    while (first != last) {
        if (Pr(*first)) {
            *res++ = *first;
    return res;

Solution 5:

template< typename T, std::size_t sz >
inline T* begin(T (&array)[sz]) {return array;}

template< typename T, std::size_t sz >
inline T* end  (T (&array)[sz]) {return array + sz;}