Get total files size from a file containing a file list

I have a file containing a list of files that I would like to know the total files size. Is there a command to do so?

My OS is a very basic linux (Qnap TS-410).


A few lines from the file:

/share/archive/Bailey Test/BD006/0.tga
/share/archive/Bailey/BD007/1 version 1.tga
/share/archive/Bailey 2/BD007/example.tga

I believe something like this would work in busybox:

du `cat filelist.txt` | awk '{i+=$1} END {print i}'

I don't have the same environment as you, but if you encounter issues with spaces in filenames something like this would work too:

cat filelist.txt | while read file;do
  du "$file"
done | awk '{i+=$1} END {print i}'

Edit 1:
@stew is right in his post below, du shows the disk usage and not the exact filesize. To change the behavior busybox uses the -a flag, so try: du -a "$file" for exact filesize and compare the output/behavior.

du -c `cat filelist.txt` | tail -1 | cut -f 1

-c adds line "total size";
tail -1 takes last line (with total size);
cut -f 1 cuts out word "total".

I don't know if your linux tools are capable of this, but:

cat /tmp/filelist.txt  |xargs -d \\n du -c

Do, the xargs will set the delimiter to be a newline character, and du will produce a grand total for you.

Looking at it seems that "busybox du" will support the grand total option, but the "busybox xargs" will not support custom delimiters.

Again, I'm not sure of your toolset.