How can I make Ctrl + Right Arrow work in SecureCRT?

Why doesn't Ctrl+Right Arrow work in SecureCRT? How can I make it working?

Solution 1:

On the remote system, first put in ~/.inputrc:

"\777": backward-word
"\002": forward-word

Then click SecureCRT menu "Option/Session options", go to Terminal/Emulation/Mapped keys in the left, click "map a key..." button in the right, press "ctrl-left arrow", in "Map selected key" dialog, select "Send string" in left and input "\777" in the right "Send string" box. Do it again for "Ctrl-right arrow", except that you input "\002".

You can choose other strings to be sent than "\777" and "\002". If so, be sure to modify both in .inputrc and "send strings".

Now you can use 'ctrl-arrows' to skip words in console.

EDIT: '\001' will disable 'ctrl-A' (move to the beginning of the line).

Solution 2:

I ran into this very same problem recently (in SecureCRT 7) and learned two important things:

1) Switching your Terminal -> Emulation to Xterm fixes this.

2) Before I discovered Xterm, I wrote a short tutorial on how to map the key combination to work in Linux:

Here's the steps:

1) Go to Options -> Global Options

2) Click Default Session -> Edit Default Settings

3) Click Terminal -> Emulation -> Mapped Keys -> Map a Key

4) When prompted, press Ctrl + Left Arrow then type: \033\142 ...and click OK

5) Do the same for Ctrl + Right Arrow then type: \033\146 ...and click OK

6) Click OK to dismiss. Dismiss the Session Options window and then click Change ALL sessions (no undo)

Tip: You'll have to close and re-open sessions that are currently connected before it works for them.

Hopefully this helps someone. :-)