Including js from

I have a demo page that is linking to so that I don't need to always copy the .js file over to the gh-pages branch every time it's changed. This works in every browser except IE which complains:

SEC7112: Script from was blocked due to mime type mismatch

This complaint is coming from the fact that the file is transferred with:

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: text/plain

which I can't change.

Anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this same thing? Somehow allowing me to link to the file in the master branch without having to always push it to the gh-pages branch?

Actual page:

(Minor update -- I changed the gh-pages in this exact instance to include the .js file, so IE is no longer broken, but would still like any feedback :))

You can try using service. Just replace with


The Rawgit service (former Rawgithub) has been shutdown.

RawGit has reached the end of its useful life October 8, 2018

GitHub repositories that served content through RawGit within the last month will continue to be served until at least October of 2019. URLs for other repositories are no longer being served.

If you're currently using RawGit, please stop using it as soon as you can.

I can't help you with tricking IE, and I think from that angle what you are looking for is impossible (and discouraged, since that is not the purpose of Github's raw URLs).

However, you can automate committing the changes to gh-pages and pushing to make your life easier. You can do it with a post-commit hook to update the relevant files in the gh-pages branch automatically. I've cooked up such a post-commit script that watches for changes to certain files and commits them to another branch:



# bail out if this commit wasn't made in the watched branch
THIS_BRANCH=$(git branch --no-color | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/');
if [ "$THIS_BRANCH" != "$WATCH_BRANCH" ]; then
  exit 0

# only update if watched files have changed in the latest commit
CHANGED_FILES=$(git show --pretty="format:" --name-only $WATCH_BRANCH)
if $(echo "$CHANGED_FILES" | grep "^$WATCH_FILES$" -q); then
  # checkout destination branch, then
  # checkout latest version of each watched file and add to index
  git checkout -q $DEST_BRANCH
  git pull -q
  IFS=$(echo -n "|")
  for file in $WATCH_FILES; do
    git checkout $WATCH_BRANCH -- $file
    git add $file > /dev/null
  # commit with a chance to edit the message, then go back to watched branch
  LATEST_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse $WATCH_BRANCH)
  git commit -m "Also including changes from $WATCH_BRANCH's $LATEST_COMMIT"
  git push origin $DEST_BRANCH
  git checkout -q $WATCH_BRANCH

Note that this is a general script, though I have specified the config vars at the top for your purposes. $WATCH_FILES can be set to a list of files delimited by braces | such as index.html|js/jquery.js. Paths must be specified relative to the root of the repo.

Let me know if you have any questions, and if the script helps you!

Take a look at The idea of this service is inspired from I just realized that using a whole framework (node.js + express.js) for such simple thing as requests proxying is overkilling, and made same stuff using nginx only.

Replace "githubusercontent" domain name chunk in your github/gist URL with "githack" and you're done!

Furthermore, it supports - simply replace whole bitbucket domain with

Github's raw URLs aren't designed to be a generic web host. Push that stuff off to proper host, like say