Why is the 'this' keyword required to call an extension method from within the extended class

Solution 1:

A couple points:

First off, the proposed feature (implicit "this." on an extension method call) is unnecessary. Extension methods were necessary for LINQ query comprehensions to work the way we wanted; the receiver is always stated in the query so it is not necessary to support implicit this to make LINQ work.

Second, the feature works against the more general design of extension methods: namely, that extension methods allow you to extend a type that you cannot extend yourself, either because it is an interface and you don't know the implementation, or because you do know the implementation but do not have the source code.

If you are in the scenario where you are using an extension method for a type within that type then you do have access to the source code. Why are you using an extension method in the first place then? You can write an instance method yourself if you have access to the source code of the extended type, and then you don't have to use an extension method at all! Your implementation can then take advantage of having access to the private state of the object, which extension methods cannot.

Making it easier to use extension methods from within a type that you have access to is encouraging the use of extension methods over instance methods. Extension methods are great, but it is usually better to use an instance method if you have one.

Given those two points, the burden no longer falls on the language designer to explain why the feature does not exist. It now falls on you to explain why it should. Features have enormous costs associated with them. This feature is not necessary and works against the stated design goals of extension methods; why should we take on the cost of implementing it? Explain what compelling, important scenario is enabled by this feature and we'll consider implementing it in the future. I don't see any compelling, important scenario that justifies it, but perhaps there is one that I've missed.

Solution 2:

Without it the compiler just sees it as a static method in a static class which takes page as it's first parameter. i.e.

// without 'this'
string s = ViewExtensions.Method(page);


// with 'this'
string s = page.Method();

Solution 3:

On instance methods, 'this' is implicitly passed to each method transparently, so you can access all the members it provides.

Extension methods are static. By calling Method() rather than this.Method() or Method(this), you're not telling the compiler what to pass to the method.

You might say 'why doesn't it just realise what the calling object is and pass that as a parameter?'

The answer is that extension methods are static and can be called from a static context, where there is no 'this'.

I guess they could check for that during compilation, but to be honest, it's probably a lot of work for extremely little payoff. And to be honest, I see little benefit in taking away some of the explicitness of extension method calls. The fact that they can be mistaken for instance methods means that they can be quite unintuitive at times (NullReferenceExceptions not being thrown for example). I sometimes think that they should have introduced a new 'pipe-forward' style operator for extension methods.