git-svn on Windows. Where to get binaries?

I want to use git as a local repository against a remote SVN repository. I installed version from

According to the documentation synchronization is done via the command

git svn

or a separate command wrapper called


Neither of them is available in my installation and I could not find a separate download for Windows binaries.

I'm currenty using the MSYS build. Must I switch to cygwin?

git-svn is installed in the latest version of msysgit. However, there's a slight caveat: while git-svn shows up in C:\Program Files\git\libexec as "git-svn", svn is actually called as an argument to the git executable, thus:

git svn clone

This earlier version has working git-svn. I thought that git-svn in the current version that you installed was fixed, but maybe not. Git-svn definitely did not work in the windows version of Git

Install cygwin and select the git-svn package under the Devel category.

The git svn command is written in Perl and requires the Subversion Perl libraries. The existence of the svn command line command is insufficient for git-svn.

I haven't used git svn on Windows (only on Unix and Mac OS X), so I can't really provide more detail, but hopefully this should point you in the right direction.