Jupyter notebook not running code. Stuck on In [*]

Solution 1:

This means that Jupyter is still running the kernel. It is possible that you are running an infinite loop within the kernel and that is why it can't complete the execution.

Try manually stopping the kernel by pressing the stop button at the top. If that doesn't work, interrupt it and restart it by going to the "Kernel" menu. This should disconnect it.

Otherwise, I would recommend closing and reopening the notebook. The problem may also be with your code.

Solution 2:

updating ipykernel did it for me. it seems arch linux's ipykernel package had been outdated for some time

just do pip install --upgrade ipykernel

reference here: github solution

Solution 3:

I have installed jupyter with command pip3 install jupyter and have the same problem. when instead I used the command pip3 install jupyter ipython the problem was fixed.