MySQL substring extraction using delimiter

I want to extract the substrings from a string in MySQL. The string contains multiple substrings separated by commas(','). I need to extract these substrings using any MySQL functions.

For example:

Table Name: Product
item_code  name    colors
102        ball     red,yellow,green
104        balloon  yellow,orange,red  

I want to select the colors field and extract the substrings as red, yellow and green as separated by comma.

A possible duplicate of this: Split value from one field to two

Unfortunately, MySQL does not feature a split string function. As in the link above indicates there are User-defined Split function.

A more verbose version to fetch the data can be the following:

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(colors, ',', 1), ',', -1) as colorfirst,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(colors, ',', 2), ',', -1) as colorsecond
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(colors, ',', n), ',', -1) as colornth
  FROM product;

Based on, here is a way to access a value from a delimiter separated array:

    SELECT get_from_delimiter_split_string('1,5,3,7,4', ',',  1); -- returns '5'
    SELECT get_from_delimiter_split_string('1,5,3,7,4', ',',  10); -- returns ''
CREATE FUNCTION get_from_delimiter_split_string(
  in_array varchar(255),
  in_delimiter char(1),
  in_index int
RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
RETURN REPLACE( -- remove the delimiters after doing the following:
  SUBSTRING( -- pick the string
    SUBSTRING_INDEX(in_array, in_delimiter, in_index + 1), -- from the string up to index+1 counts of the delimiter
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(in_array, in_delimiter, in_index) -- keeping only everything after index counts of the delimiter
    ) + 1

here are the docs for the string operators for reference: