Amazon MWS - request signature calculated does not match the signature provided

Solution 1:

If you are landing here from Google after starting to work through some of the Amazon documentation, it's quite likely that you're seeing the 'request signature' error above due to a inadvertent leading or trailing space on your secret access key. Check that first!

Solution 2:

In my experience, this error just means "One of your parameters is wrong, good luck finding it!" I ran into this error using the S3 SDK. I was trying to upload a file but I mistakenly supplied the full file path ("C:\Users\addaone\image.png") as the Key instead of just the file name.

Solution 3:

The solution was to generate a new Access Key. My first AWSSecretKey had trailing forward slashes on it that probably were causing the issue, while the new one didn't have any forward slashes and worked.

Solution 4:

I ran into this problem as well. For me it's because I accidentally put a / in front of my bucket name.

instead of test/foo/bar I had /test/foo/bar for my bucket name.