Clone Windows partition from Linux

Solution 1:

You will need to clone 2 partitions with dd - one is where the bootloader/bootmanager resides (needed in order to chainload the OS) [System Reserved, usually 100M] and the other one being the actual W7 installation.

Check the partition table with cfdisk - it will give you a visual representation. Then delete all partitions on the target drive - cfdisk is your friend.

The syntax for cloning can be found on wiki here. You will also need a proper MBR (it is probably already present on your test drive).

You will probably need to assign a bootable flag to the [System Reserved] partition as well (that should be the first one cloned) - cfdisk can accomplish that.

If that fails - simply boot from a W7 installation disc and follow the guidelines here for Vista.


Forgot to mention one important part of the whole process that might not be so evident. You will either have to clone the partition table off the original drive and delete everything but the 2 Windows-related partitions OR recreate them with cfdisk / parted with the same size.

Here's a few examples (assuming, that sda is your source drive and sdb is the target):

dd if=/dev/sda bs=1 skip=446 count=66 of=/dev/sdb seek=446 (this will effectively clone your current DOS partition table along with the MBR signature to the output drive)

dd if=/dev/sda bs=1 skip=440 count=72 of=/dev/sdb seek=440 (this will also copy the disk ID which can sometimes result in a failed boot if missing - however, such disks will not be able to work together on a Windows environment, until the ID is changed)

parted /dev/sda u s p (this is how you can inspect the current partition table and size in sectors on the source drive for later replication on the target with either cfdisk or parted itself)

Solution 2:

Have a look at

  • ntfsclone (copies only sectors in use)
  • fixntfs.c to fix up the boot info offsets

IIRC, Trinity Rescue Kit contains the necessary software as well as many others (ssh, partimage, fdisk, fdisk, cfdisk, parted, gparted, testdisk, ntfsfix; ntfs-3g mounting, rsync etc. etc.) .

 * fixntfs: change some attributes of an NTFS bootsector
 * brought to you by Phoenix
 * url:
 * mail: [email protected]
 * irc: phoenix -> #grhack -> undernet

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *fd;
    FILE *idfd;
    struct stat fst;
    unsigned char cab[32];
    unsigned short log_heads;
    unsigned short ntfs_heads;
    unsigned short force_heads;
    unsigned short ntfs_cab;
    unsigned long long sectors;
    unsigned long long new_sectors;

    log_heads = 0;
    ntfs_heads = 0;
    force_heads = 0;
    ntfs_cab = 0;

    if(argc < 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t%s <device> <total_sectors> <force_heads>\n", argv[0]);

    fprintf(stderr, "Stating file %s... ", argv[1]);

    stat(argv[1], &fst);

        fprintf(stderr, "not a block device\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "a block device\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Opening device %s rw... ", argv[1]);

    fd = fopen(argv[1], "r+");

        perror("open device");

    fprintf(stderr, "ok\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Checking partition... ");

    fseek(fd, 3, SEEK_SET);

    if(fread(cab, 1, 4, fd) != 4)
        perror("read system_id");

    cab[5] = 0;

    if(strncmp(cab, "NTFS", 4))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cab);

    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cab);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector heads... ");

    fseek(fd, 0x1a, SEEK_SET);

    ntfs_heads = 0;

    fread(&ntfs_heads, 1, 2, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", ntfs_heads);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector sectors... ");

    fseek(fd, 0x18, SEEK_SET);

    ntfs_cab = 0;

    fread(&ntfs_cab, 1, 2, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", ntfs_cab);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector sectors_per_cluster... ");

    fseek(fd, 0x0d, SEEK_SET);

    ntfs_cab = 0;

    fread(&ntfs_cab, 1, 1, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", ntfs_cab);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector sectors_size... ");

    fseek(fd, 0x0b, SEEK_SET);

    ntfs_cab = 0;

    fread(&ntfs_cab, 1, 2, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", ntfs_cab);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector boot_loader_routine_jump... ");

    fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

    bzero(cab, sizeof(cab));

    fread(cab, 1, 3, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", cab[0], cab[1], cab[2]);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading NTFS bootsector total_sectors... ");

    fseek(fd, 0x28, SEEK_SET);

    sectors = 0;

    fread(&sectors, 1, 8, fd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%Lu\n", sectors);

    fprintf(stderr, "Reading device logical heads... ");

    sprintf(cab, "/proc/ide/hd%c/geometry", *(strrchr(argv[1],'/') + 3));

    idfd = fopen(cab, "r");


    fscanf(idfd, "%*s %*s\n");

    fscanf(idfd, "%*s %s\n", cab);

    *(strrchr(cab, '/')) = 0;

    log_heads = (unsigned short) atoi(strchr(cab, '/') + 1);

    fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", log_heads);

    if(argc == 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "Forcing heads to %u\n", force_heads);

    if(fclose(fd) == EOF)
        perror("close device");

    if(log_heads != ntfs_heads)
        fprintf(stderr, "Heads are different... Logical=%u NTFS=%u\n\n"
                "Update NTFS bootsector? (y/n) ",
                log_heads, ntfs_heads);

        if(getc(stdin) == 'y')
            fd = fopen(argv[1], "r+");

                perror("open device");

            ntfs_heads = log_heads;

            fseek(fd, 0x1a, SEEK_SET);

            fwrite(&ntfs_heads, 1, 2, fd);

            fprintf(stderr, "\nBootsector updated... Verifying... ");


            fd = fopen(argv[1], "r");

                perror("open device");

            fseek(fd, 0x1a, SEEK_SET);

            ntfs_heads = 0;

            fread(&ntfs_heads, 1, 2, fd);

            if(ntfs_heads == log_heads)
                fprintf(stderr, "ok\n\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "error [%u]\n", ntfs_heads);
            fprintf(stderr, "\nHeads update cancelled...\n");


    if(argc >= 3 && atoll(argv[2]))
        fprintf(stderr, "Update NTFS bootsector total_sectors from %Lu to %Lu? (y/n) ",
                sectors, atoll(argv[2]));

        if(getc(stdin) == 'y')
            fd = fopen(argv[1], "r+");

                perror("open device");

            new_sectors = atoll(argv[2]);

            fseek(fd, 0x28, SEEK_SET);

            fwrite(&new_sectors, 1, 8, fd);

            fprintf(stderr, "\nBootsector updated... Verifying... ");


            fd = fopen(argv[1], "r");

                perror("open device");

            fseek(fd, 0x28, SEEK_SET);

            sectors = 0;

            fread(&sectors, 1, 8, fd);

            if(sectors == new_sectors)
                fprintf(stderr, "ok\n\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "error [%Lu]\n", sectors);

            fprintf(stderr, "\nTotal_sectors update cancelled...\n");


Solution 3:

This how-to for cloning a Windows drive worked splendidly for me. Since this is the first time I've been able to transfer a Windows install to a new hard drive, I'll share my procedure here to help the next Googler to visit.

My situation:
Manager's Windows 7 x64 had maxed out its 128G SSD, so I bought a 240 GB replacement.

I have two SATA drive docks but linux didn't recognize both at the same time, preventing an easy copy between them.

I am about to set up a dual NIC firewall, so I installed the source SSD in this computer. Destination 240G SSD went into external dock.

1) The first USB stick I pick up had Linux Mint live CD on it, which became /dev/sda1
2) "Old" 128G SSD was detected and became /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2
3) Used # fdisk -l /dev/sdb from the tutorial and copied the source partition window's information to Gedit.
-- Note, the tutorial includes the -u option, however for me, fdisk was already displaying blocks (the desired output) so including that switch gives the wrong information.
4) Plug in and turn on the drive dock with destination 240G SSD, which becomes /dev/sdc.
5) Use fdisk /dev/sdc to create partitions on /dev/sdc that exactly match /dev/sdb, including boot and system flags.
6) dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1 to copy the MBR to destination drive.
-- The guide now suggests using hdparm to turn on DMA, but the command failed for me
7) ntfsclone -O /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 to copy the windows hidden system partition.
-- -O or --overwrite option is used to set the destination, making the command appear backwards. Kudos to Linux Mint live CD having ntfsclone, as I hadn't heard of this command before & I didn't have to get on the network.
8) Use ntfsclone -O /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdb2 to copy the windows "C Drive". This took a few beers to complete.
9) For resizing the partition, I used gparted
10) Reinstalled new SSD in windows computer and it runs checkdisk (I had left the tutorial & didn't notice he does this).
11) Rebooted Windows and all is back to normal but with more free space.