Does upgrading Internet Explorer improve overall system security if I don't use it?

Solution 1:

Even if you aren't using Internet Explorer to browse the Internet, you definitely should keep it updated. I wouldn't say you have to upgrade to the latest major version, but at least install the security patches for the version you are running, until it's no longer supported, then upgrade to a newer version. I am a Chrome user, but there are some things that just work better with IE. Personally, I always keep IE up to the latest version.

Internet Explorer is more than just a browser. For good or bad, Internet Explorer is connected to the OS in many ways. Programs called HTAs, which the OS uses for a variety of interfaces, require Internet Explorer to function. Some programs written with Visual Studio can use IE for built-in browsing and help. There are many other functions that IE provides to other parts of the OS and applications. Therefore, it's definitely best practice, at a minimum, to keep it patched.